Ask the experts: Tiger Therapy - stretching (Pt 2)

Ask the experts: Tiger Therapy - Stretching (Pt 2)

Marina Kyraciou, sports massage therapist at Tiger Therapy has given us some advice on how to stay niggle-free throughout the 100 days of running challenge.

For the second part of her advice, she is giving us her tips on stretching.

Stretching – It's a Personal thing!

There is a lot you can do at home between sports massage bookings that will enhance your treatments and get you more for your money.

Stretching the generic muscle groups you have just exercised is great but what about you personally?

Marina recommends a regular
stretching schedule for the
challenge participants
Consider this… by now you must know very well what areas of your body are tight even if you think it is irrelevant to running. What about that stiff neck and shoulders that give you grief during running or that lower back niggle? Some of these things are more a consequence of our working lifestyle than our active lifestyle choices but we really don't want them inhibiting our goals. GET THEM ADRESSED!

Any good massage therapist or indeed PT should be able to help you put together some stretches specific to your needs –just ask!

Remember… it’s not just about stretching, mobility work can also be of huge benefit. Mobility work is a kind of active stretch designed to keep your joints flexible with good range of movement. Yoga for instance is a fantastic way of combining stretching with mobility work, if you are a new to yoga, go to a beginners class – don’t be shy, there’s no shame in being the least flexible person in the class.

How often should I stretch? Think about it like this, you know you should warm up, you know you should stretch after training. If you know you are tight in the hip flexors, then stretch them either every morning or every evening. You can do it watching the TV, you can do it just before you shower there’s no excuse. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds and relax into it. DO NOT put yourself in pain. You should feel a slight discomfort in stretching but not pain.

If you are stretching in the morning take an easy option of whatever it is you are stretching and build into it. Repeat two or three different versions for the same muscle group but be kind to yourself!

Much love and a big tiger hug!
Marina is an experienced therapist who tailors massage and treatment plans (either over single or multiple sessions) to each client’s specific requirements.  She routinely manages sports and chronic injuries for clients, and enjoys adapting each session to their needs on the day. She is based in North London and contactable here.

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